- Topics (round table topic group discussion)
- Craft of writing (group discovery about elements of writing, with take-home exercise)
- Review of take-home exercises
- Writing workshop (hands-on writing exercises)
- Critique (group review of 3-4 writer's chapter or short story)
Chesterfield Writers Club
Thursday, November 18, 2010
CWC - Back to the Blog
Monday, December 10, 2007
Mining the Muse
Mining the Muse is a collaboration of work by the Chesterfield Writers' Club, a not-for-profit writers' group in Chesterfield, Virginia. Cover art by writer and graphic designer, Bonnie Watson. The book is available at our Lulu.com storefront. Enjoy!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Meet the Pen Folk
Cartoon by Dave Walker. Find more cartoons you can freely re-use on your blog at We Blog Cartoons.
It's that time of year again! Time to meet up with the folks we're kin to. Who doesn't have a weird cousin, or a relative who talks loud, but has nothing to say?Eccentric family members help writers build character(s). Face-to-face interaction with them makes life more interesting than clicking a button to send an email.
Speaking of pushing buttons, blogging here makes for interesting interaction, but wouldn't it be nice if we could meet up? We can. We've got a few days until the next meeting.
We're a little wired because we just finished our first anthology, but drop by. Don't be shy. Come back and visit, or visit our Yahoo site to see what's fueling our writing.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Why We Write
Now that we're nano-ed and na-blo-wn out, why are we still writing?
As we tie up the loose ends on our first book, we're counting the million reasons amongst ourselves for continuing to show up. We're not just scribbling because the voices in our heads say, "Write." We've got to do it. If we didn't write, we wouldn't be writers.
voices in our heads (developing foreheads and nodding): 'nuff said
writers (perking up): thank you
voices in our heads (developing fingers and wagging): keep writing
writers (crawling back into our caves and muttering): okay, okay
Keep writing! It's fun! Be sure to come to our next meeting. 12/15/07.
Monday, November 26, 2007
You Know You're a Writer When...
You know you're a writer when...
"...All your bedspreads have ink stains on them."
"...You secretly love your own handwriting."
"...You accidentally sign a check with your pen name."
This book, which came out in September, would make a great gift for any writer in your life...even if you are that writer.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Unexpected Writing Resources
1) timeanddate.com
Maybe you're in the middle of scribbling the next great American novel, when you discover you can't write another word--and the story isn't going anywhere. Well, when was it set?
The Time and Date Calculator helps. I'm the type of writer who wants to know what day of the week Christmas fell on in 1976 and what day my character's 40th birthday will fall on in 2015.
I want my writing to ring true after I'm gone. If 20 years from now I'm writing that September 11, 2001 was on a Friday, rather than on the devastating Tuesday that it actually took place, readers may lose faith in my abilities.
Also, if I write that a soon-to-be evicted character has 40 days from Valentine's Day to get out of her apartment, I want to know what date is 40 days from February 14th.
2) Personal ads
I find many potential characters in the personals. I underline their positive qualities in green ink, and their negative ones in red. I tape my marked ads to index cards where I list 3-5 questions that may lead to a story.
Example ad: "SM, father, seeks new friends to begin a new life. I like...fishing, sitting at home, watching movies...Want to join me?"
Question 1: What was wrong with his old life?
Question 2: How many children does he have, and where is their mother?
Question 3: Who has he met sitting at home? I'd really like to know...
3) Song lyrics
Sometimes I'll jot down 5 words from a song and use them in a poem or short story.
Example 1:
The hymn: "Amazing Grace"
The words: amazing, wretch, blind, sing, sun
Possible outcomes: Those 5 words could be written in love, suspense, horror, anything...not necessarily Christian writing.
Example 2:
The nursery rhyme: "Miss Mary Mack"
The words: black, buttons, fifteen, high, July
Possible outcomes: Suddenly, you're writing a mini-mystery about a summertime military heist or your own version of "Mary Poppins."
Example 3:
The popular song: "Nick of Time," by Bonnie Raitt
The words: night, babies, folks, change, choices
Possible outcomes: A poem about teenage pregnancy or an article for the local paper.
4) Jump the Shark This website has a forum that allows TV viewers to air their complaints about their favorite and least favorite shows. Did "The Brady Bunch" go wrong when they added Cousin Oliver? More than just an online complaint fest, this site helps me see what more than a few people saw as "bad" writing, and try to avoid it in my own (writing).
5) The Yellow Pages
Lots of writing books will tell you to look in the white pages of the phone book, pick a name, and create a character just from that name. I like to go to certain page numbers and pull a word or two a page from the yellow pages.
The last time I tried this was in October. I went to pages 11, 22, 33, 44, 55....you get the idea. Here's some of what I found:
11: airport, visitor
33: alarms, muffler
99: garage door opener, hardware
111: carpet, florist
222: museums, gravel
333: thrift store
One of my story ideas from the "yellow pages" prompt: A woman who leaves her car unattended at a yard sale, doesn't realize her garage door opener is missing until she gets home.
6) Stock Photo Prompts
When I noticed that fast food restaurants and insurance companies sometimes used the same photos of models in the same poses, I learned about stock photos. In addition to the ones in the clip art gallery in Microsoft Word, I use pictures from fotosearch.com and istockphoto.com for inspiration. Stock photos are expensive and rights have to be purchased to use them. However, rights don't have to be purchased to look at them and ask a few questions that will help you write your next story.
Click here for the picture source for the following questions about a picture of a pregnancy test.
- She's not wearing a ring. Is she or isn't she pregnant?
- What if she is single and childless and wants to be pregnant? What circumstances brought this desire about? Turning 30? A broken engagement?
- There's a colorful, seemingly child-friendly piece of art behind her? Does she already have children? How will the outcomes of this test affect her and those around her?
Surely, there are other offbeat and unexpected sources of inspiration. If you know of more, let us know. Until we meet again, happy writing!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Heading Into The Home Stretch!
But the Anthology is not the end of the process. It's just the beginning.
Now we have to move to the next logical step. The one outlined by our fearless leader. Get published! Put ourselves out there and make the editors/publishers realize just how much talent there is in Chesterfield County. A few of our members are already doing it, so why not you?
There is a venue for each of us--young adult, faith-based, flash fiction, memoirs, self-help, DIY, pop and literary fiction--it's all out there waiting.
Where, you ask? Well, there are lots of places to look. Writers Market, Ralan's website (www.ralan.com), Spicy Green Iguana (www.spicegreeniguana.com) to name a few. Go to the bookstore magazine racks--Ellery Queen, Asimov's, Fantasy, Glimmer Train. Check the spines on your favorite books, look inside at the Dedications, ask around, Google. It's all out there and waiting for YOU.
Let's put our best best foot out there with this anthology, but don't let that be your only step! Take that BIG step! Take that Leap!